Howdy! I'm Robert Yin, a software engineer who dabbles in making important things and specializes in making silly things.
To all my past, present, and future employers: I promise that previous statement was just a joke.
I'm not currently looking for job opportunities, but still feel free to reach out!
- Madison, WI
- Sofware Developer at Epic Systems
- BSCS from Northeastern University
(In)Frequently Asked Questions
Does anyone actually call you Boberto?
Nope. A few folks have used Bobert and Roberto, but I generally go by Robert. Boberto is just for online accounts and usernames.
Favorite programming language?
Obligatory "there is no best language, just choose the right language for the job" statement here.
def programming() -> str:
"I enjoy partaking in a little Python and tomfoolery"
fn programming() -> Result<'static str, Box<dyn Error>> {
Ok("I enjoy partaking in a little Rust and tomfoolery")
Emojicode truthers rise up!
Any hobbies outside of programming/software?
I dabble in things. Rule of thumb for hobbies: get good, but never good enough to do it for weddings.
- Don't ask me to cater your wedding
- Don't ask me to photograph your wedding
- Don't ask me to kickflip at your wedding